Interfaith Letter Supporting Let’s Drive

Dear Chaverim,

In this season of Sukkot, a time of welcome and remembrance of our own wandering roots, it is especially fitting for clergy of many faiths to join in reminding our state legislative leadership of the moral import of the Drivers’ License bill. The letter below was sent yesterday to our state leadership, urging passage of this bill. We are grateful to all our clergy who signed on to this moving and important letter.  Many thanks to our member Trish Perlmutter for partnering with the Let’s Drive NJ campaign to compose and distribute this letter and press release.

This link to shows highlighted quotes from signers, including Rabbi Marc Katz of Temple Ner Tamid, who has been a champion of passing this bill.

If you are clergy and have not signed on to this letter, you still can at :

And whether or not you are clergy, you can reach out to your legislators  to share the letter and your support as a person of faith for expanded Drivers’ License access.  Ask your legislators to support A4743/S3229.  This will be a meaningful Sukkot action to support the present day wanderers/neighbors among us.

And to see a short video of Rabbi Katz supporting the bill, click here or go to our Facebook page:

Wishing you a joyous Sukkot!

Chag Sameach,

Liz Cohen and Rabbi Ethan Prosnit

RJVNJ co-chairs