Electric Vehicle – Social Links

Here are some suggestions for articles and videos related to the Electric Vehicle bill.  

“More electric cars on the road would result in lowering electric rates for everyone who pays an electric bill,” Pam Frank @ChargevcNJ @thepressofac #ElectrifyNJ #EVs4NJ https://bit.ly/2QjOQHG More EV costs & benefits-https://bit.ly/2sJgXqW

EV bill S2252/A4819 promotes charging infrastructure & incentives for the purchase of EVs, addressing concerns for many potential buyers! Passing the bill will encourage use of EVs throughout our state! #EVs4NJ https://bit.ly/2Ptql9r

More than a dozen investors & companies are calling on lawmakers to pass S2252/A4819 to send an economic signal that NJ is poised to become a leader in the deployment of EVs & EV infrastructure. #ElectrifyNJ #Evs4NJ @CeresNews https://bit.ly/2r4JeHN

Thomas Edison devoted part of his career to the research of EVs & charging infrastructure- after a century w/ the internal-combustion engine & the climate-changing impacts of fossil fuels, NJ must pass EV bill S2252/A4819! #EVs4NJ @njspotlight https://bit.ly/39mj6JL

Passage of the EV bill will jump-start NJ’s transition to cleaner cars & spark an economic boom to NJ. Bringing thousands of clean jobs & allowing the tech business to plant a flag in NJ. Pass EV bill S2252/A4819 today! #EVs4NJ https://bit.ly/2Ptql9r

Electrifying NJs transportation will save dollars spent to import fuel. Allowing that money to be reinvested in communities & clean jobs. One reason investors & companies are calling for the passage of the EV bill S2252/A4819! #Evs4NJ @CeresNews https://bit.ly/2r4JeHN